The Virtua Tennis series has been well-received by critics and fans for its ease of play but difficult to master gameplay. With Virtua Tennis 3, the series returns with enhanced photo-realistic graphics and advanced player animations that perfectly match the behaviour and mannerisms of individual professional players. Next-generation systems allow gamers to see the most detailed expressions on the faces of their selected players as they battle to win heated tournaments around the world.
ake on the world's greatest tennis stars on any court surface worldwide; with newly added players and improvements to the game's AI, Virtua Tennis 3 has upped the challenge to becoming the top seed of the tennis world. In Career Mode, gamers will travel the world and take on the biggest stars of the tennis world. Improvements to the Player Creation Mode allow gamers to customise their own tennis star with increased detail like never before.
No Virtua Tennis title would be complete without the popular and addictive mini-games, and Virtua Tennis 3 is no exception. In addition to the popular mini-games from previous titles used to sharpen players' skills, there will be a whole host of brand new games to keep players in top form.
Buy Virtua Tennis 3 on XBOX360

This is a surprisingly addictive game but needs more players rather than the same ones just getting harder. worth a look for a bit of fun

A great game if ur a fan of tennis or any of the previous virtua tennis series. It has an arcade feel to it compared to the simulation of topspin 2 and 3. The animations and movements are very good, and the characters actually have the same motions like their real life counterparts. The world tour season mode is very good and can keep you playing for days and days to be world no.1.

Good points: Its Virtua Tennis. Bad points: They spoilt the 10 pin bowling mini-game. Its probably my only complaint. Whereas before the game would wait until the pins stop falling, now theres a time limit so if the last pin is going down it times out and acts as if it hadn't fallen at all. VERY frustrating. It may seem harsh to mark it down so much due to 1 flaw but downgrading a game compared to its previous version in any way is just plain stupid. It being one of the most fun mini-games it really does spoil the overall polish of the game. That and the way there are crowd cheers in the mini-game where there IS no crowd, and crowd cheers before the crowd even start moving (which still looks like poo incidentally). Basically, for a next-gen game its not as polished as it should have been probably due to being ported to older consoles as well so didnt get the next-gen treatment it deserved. Still mostly better than the old Virtua Tennis but not as good as it could have been.