Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
Pilot and Titan unite as never before in Respawn Entertainment’s highly anticipated Titanfall® 2. Featuring a single player campaign that explores the unique bond between man and machine, and backed by a deeper multiplayer experience, Titanfall 2 delivers fast-paced action brimming with inventive twists.
Buy Titanfall 2 on XBOXONE

Very good and interesting campaign, fairly short but ideal for a rental

Fantastic story line in the campaign and just like titan fall 1 online which is great.

Great Story Mode

Awesome game love it thanks

Excellent game. I went and bought a brand new copy.

well paced and really excellent single player campaign this time around, makes you want to keep playing it which unfortunately means its over all too quickly!! fairly easy gamer points too. excellent while it lasts and online is a blast too.

brilliant game, and the new survival mode is awesome

hours of fun guaranteed as i had plenty of them myself. after the story mode go and try the online multiplayer to indulge in the one of the greatest modes ever created. smooth and fast, brilliantly detailed. my advice go for it you wont be disappointed!!!

Love this game so much better than the first one!!

The game in my opinion is awesome, The multiple ways of parkour makes it so fast paced, thrilling and exciting. definitely one of the best FPS of 2017

Very good and interesting campaign, fairly short but ideal for a rental

Fantastic story line in the campaign and just like titan fall 1 online which is great.

Great Story Mode

Awesome game love it thanks

Excellent game. I went and bought a brand new copy.

well paced and really excellent single player campaign this time around, makes you want to keep playing it which unfortunately means its over all too quickly!! fairly easy gamer points too. excellent while it lasts and online is a blast too.

brilliant game, and the new survival mode is awesome

hours of fun guaranteed as i had plenty of them myself. after the story mode go and try the online multiplayer to indulge in the one of the greatest modes ever created. smooth and fast, brilliantly detailed. my advice go for it you wont be disappointed!!!

Love this game so much better than the first one!!

The game in my opinion is awesome, The multiple ways of parkour makes it so fast paced, thrilling and exciting. definitely one of the best FPS of 2017