This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is based on the CG animated movie produced by Imagi Animation Studios and based on Mirage Studios' Foot Clan-kicking Turtle heroes. The game takes place in a New York City plagued by secretive villains and strange, otherworldly creatures. Faced with these perils, the Turtles will experience their most trying time as heroes and as a family, as Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo lose their focus and struggle to maintain their unity and ninja discipline. It's up to Leonardo and the faithful father figure Splinter to reunite the band of brothers and save New York City from a monstrous evil that lurks around every corner. Players engage in over-the-top acrobatic navigation, collaborative combat and powerful fighting moves.
Buy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on XBOX360
Poor combat and little replayability make this an easy but less enjoyable 1000G.
Probably the worst game I have played in over two years. Not even worth playing for achievements, that's how bad it was!
1000 Easy Gamerpoints!! Easily achieved in less than 4 hours!
This game is obviously geared more toward the younger gamer, but that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed by all. If I had to sum it up in a few words, I'd have to called it a 3-D button-basher as although each of the four titular turtles seem to have a wide array of combo moves, you basically push toward an enemy, hit "B" repeatedly, and see what happens. Bosses are of the old school variety too: there's no advanced AI to be found here at all - you learn their pattern of attack within minutes and can avoid anything they throw at you easily after that, even with the final boss. The minimalistic controls can actually be a bit annoying at times: for instance, you could mean to jump, but due to standing too near to a wall you "wall run" (a la Prince of Persia) instead and fall to your death, as both actions are mapped to the same button. Plus, the camera position, which you can't alter, can be a touch confusing at times, especially when jumping. All in all though, it's a pretty enjoyable, if somewhat easy, game, so if you have about four spare hours and fancy playing something that you really don't have to think about (not to mention an easily achievable 1000 Gamerpoints - if you're half-way decent at games you will get 985G on your first play-through, and get the final 15G by replaying a couple of minutes of the first level!), it's definitely worth a rental. SYNAESTHE5IA
A simple yet effective game for the Turtles Film. It is a boring game as you spend 90% of the time going through rooftops and sewers which is no real challenge at all. The other 10% of the time you're fighting the enemies or bosses which complements the film. The last enemy is probably the hardest 10 minutes you'll play in the game - it's a recommended rental for a quick 5 hour 1000 gamer points. However once it's completed, you'll never want to consider playing it again - simple and easy game. Graphics were quite nice though.