Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
Set in the aftermath of its award-winning predecessor, Sniper Elite 4 is a third person stealth/shooter that continues the series' World War Two heritage by transporting players across the beautiful Italian peninsula, from sun-drenched Mediterranean coastal towns, to colossal Nazi mega structures, daunting forests and giddying mountain monasteries inspired by Monte Cassino.
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Decent game but it gets quite repetitive after realising all missions are roughly the same.

loved it

What a fun and fantastic game this is. Cannot get enough of the bullet time cam as makes kills look awesome

Awesome game

Quite good, missions are very repetitive but the varied approaches you can take in the game, for example all guns blazing or attempting to go unnoticed, make this a relatively interesting game.

Excellent game. long missions, fantastic settings and the kill cam never gets old! Loved it.

Good game, fun to play coop but gets repetitive after a while.

Good Graphics, Awesome fun

I love this game series because of the difficulty and realism but most of all the pure carnage of the X ray bullet cam. The bullet cam is pure gratifying on skilful shots even more so when taking down Hitler himself!

Decent game but it gets quite repetitive after realising all missions are roughly the same.

loved it

What a fun and fantastic game this is. Cannot get enough of the bullet time cam as makes kills look awesome

Awesome game

Quite good, missions are very repetitive but the varied approaches you can take in the game, for example all guns blazing or attempting to go unnoticed, make this a relatively interesting game.

Excellent game. long missions, fantastic settings and the kill cam never gets old! Loved it.

Good game, fun to play coop but gets repetitive after a while.

Good Graphics, Awesome fun

I love this game series because of the difficulty and realism but most of all the pure carnage of the X ray bullet cam. The bullet cam is pure gratifying on skilful shots even more so when taking down Hitler himself!