The sixth installment in the classic videogames series, Silent Hill: Homecoming introduces another protagonist to the mythos. The story follows Alex Shepherd, returning to his hometown of Shepherd's Glen to investigate the sudden disappearance of his brother. From Shepherd's Glen to Silent Hill, Alex must face the darkest of horrors in order to find his brother. Struggling with his own grip on reality, Alex must unravel the mystery behind his nightmares, discover the truth behind his brother's disappearance, and confront the evil that lurks in the seemingly empty streets of Silent Hill.
Homecoming is the first Silent Hill title for the new wave of next generation consoles, featuring all-new graphics that bring the fear and terror of Silent Hill alive like never before. Alex must survive attacks from the misshapen denizens of the town using an all-new enhanced combat system that provides a wide array of attacks and counters. Along the way, Alex will encounter a variety of weapons to battle these horrific monsters and must also solve deadly puzzles as he uncovers the darkest secrets of Silent Hill. Silent Hill: Homecoming also features an all-new soundtrack by acclaimed series composer Akira Yamaoka.
Buy Silent Hill Homecoming on XBOX360
game was ok. very hard tho for any first time player. once you complete the game its very easy on the second play tru.
i rented this thinking it would just be an equal to resi 5 on the xbox..but i was wrong it is way better, not just in gameplay but in graphics and it scared the &^%$ out of the end i ended up using a walkthrough so i kinds knew what was coming...kinda took the edge of it but i didnt fill my pants as it..well worth it
Decent enough game. Managed to get 1000GS in about 8 hours which is good news.Not a patch on Silent Hill 1-3 but still good fun. Lacks the scares that made the original so good but still retains some of the atmosphere of the series. Worth a rent definitely if survival horror is your cup of tea. A dying breed unfortunately but still one of my favourite genres.
Very good, atmospheric game...but my game glitched half way through so I couldn't continue, hence the low score.