Buy Saints Row IV for XBOX360 - Cheap Games for Sale

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Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV for XBOX360 to buy

The Saints were once again thrust into the lime light: only this time they weren't viewed as dangerous criminals; they were heralded as patriots. Riding their wave of popularity, The Leader of the Saints decided to run for the highest office…and won. Now the President of the United States, the boss has gone from the crack house, to the penthouse, to the White House.
But all is not well. Despite eliminating the deficit, ending world hunger, and successfully lobbying to have pole dancing added as an Olympic sport…something dark is looming: the arrival of the Zin Empire.
Lead by the erudite and egomaniacal Zinyak; the Zin brazenly attack Washington DC, abducting the President and his entire cabinet. Their goal was to imprison the captives in a virtual prison to break down their will…but they never realized that the individuals they brought onto their ship weren't fat cat politicians: they were the most dangerous men and women on the planet.

Buy Saints Row IV on XBOX360

Released: 23-08-2013
Rating Info: 18
Average Rating:
rent games
Boomerang price: TBC

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"As-New" Game Guaranteed disc, new box & manual.
RRP £49.99, Save £12.14
Boomerang price: £37.85

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Earn up to 114 points worth £1.14


Great, silly fun!

Great Game, Very funny, Loved it!

Best game of the series so far, something different than the last boring saint row games A+

fun but keep repeating the same thing over and over, still fun though!

Must play for saints fans

Saints IV was Probably the worst games i ever played the story was rubbish it never made sense and the whole story line about being president and then some how getting abducted by aliens then the world gets blown up it like a kid invented the game its so stupid getting super powers and only the president gets a good chance of getting out why not make it a normal guy who tries to save a world that got blown

fun to play,gta but not as u know it.

awesome game, a lot less serious than grand theft auto and more fun for it.

Lots of fun


Saints Row IV for XBOX360 to buySaints Row IV for XBOX360 to buySaints Row IV for XBOX360 to buy


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