WII Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Shooter | Sport | Music
From the creators of Harvest Moon and Rune Factory for the DS comes the first installment of Rune Factory for a home console. Developed exclusively for Wii, Rune Factory: Frontier features stunning graphics and takes full advantage of the Wii�s unique controls to fully immerse players in the Rune Factory universe. Rune Factory: Frontier incorporates an open-ended structure which allows players to choose the type of game they wish to experience. Whether it�s growing crops, expanding the town, fighting (or befriending) monsters or even falling in love, the experience is unique to each player.
Buy Rune Factory Frontier on Nintendo WII
A slow, involving life sim game with action RPG and even dating elements. It has an almost overwhelming amount of depth and resources need to be carefully managed if your farm is to thrive and for you to survive the dungeons. It is not a game for the impatient. Repetitive tasks are a core element of the game (sow, water, reap, sell, repeat) and there is not a great deal of hand holding. You will often have to speak to every NPC to move things along or discover what to do next simply by waiting for the game days to pass! That said it is fun and it is very easy for minutes to turn to hours as you disover new things to tame/cook/fish/forge...while you wait for the next person to join the village of key event to occur.
A slow, involving life sim game with action RPG and even dating elements. It has an almost overwhelming amount of depth and resources need to be carefully managed if your farm is to thrive and for you to survive the dungeons. It is not a game for the impatient. Repetitive tasks are a core element of the game (sow, water, reap, sell, repeat) and there is not a great deal of hand holding. You will often have to speak to every NPC to move things along or discover what to do next simply by waiting for the game days to pass! That said it is fun and it is very easy for minutes to turn to hours as you disover new things to tame/cook/fish/forge...while you wait for the next person to join the village of key event to occur.