The game follows the story of Blu, a rare species of macaw who travels from Minnesota to his native Rio De Janeiro in hopes of finding another of his kind. Players will follow Blu and his newly found friends on their adventures through the carnivals of Rio in this multiplayer party game.
Revisit your favorite movie moments
Play as Blu, Jewel, Nico, Pedro, Rafael or Eve
Drop in and drop out – up to 4 players
5 unique ways to play the games in different modes
Customize your multiplayer experience with 4 different ways to play
2 AI skill levels
DSI Features
Play as Blu, Jewel or Luiz
DSi camera integration: Dance the Samba with a photo of yourself or your friend!
Let the rhythms of Rio come alive: Use your stylus to somersault thru hoops, bounce off carnival floats & dodge soccer balls.
Single Player Experience