Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles is a brand new game in the Resident Evil franchise, with familiar locales from the entire series. This action-shooter hybrid reveals the back story behind the fall of the Umbrella Corporation by exploring locations from Resident Evil 0, 1, 2 and 3 as well as new never-before-seen locations, such as Umbrella's stronghold.
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles combines first-person, light-gun style combat with interactive pathways, multiple weapons and new enemies to create an entirely new Resident Evil experience that could only be delivered on the Wii. Using the Wii Remote as a gun, players can experience breathtaking combat against a horde of zombies and various creatures in dynamic first-person perspective.
Buy Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles on Nintendo WII
Great game but there were a few tweaks tgat couldve been made
a short on the rails shooter which is great for resi fans but bad for casual/zapper fans
Graphics are good, controls work very well on the Wii, but it just gets quite boring very quickly! Its a definite rental, not a purchase.
Well, it's ok - that's all I'm afraid - I had such high hopes for this :-( Even with the Zapper it doesn't thrill. The most disappointing this is that as you shoot away at the zombies you don't feel you're hitting them until they fall down - in House of the Dead (a pretty good thing to compare this with) you can shoot chunks off things - very satisfying - not so here. I was bored in a few hours and the game was despatched back long before completion. Maybe worth a rental if you're curious - there are much better things to play on the Wii.