XBOX360 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
The stakes are high when the world's most elite counter-terrorism unit enters Las Vegas, where over 36.7 million men, women and children visit each year. "Sin City," the home of the famous Las Vegas Strip, flashy hotels, high-rolling casinos and world-famous celebrities, becomes the setting for a terrorist threat of global proportions. What happens when one of the world's most famous cities is held hostage by terrorists?
Buy Rainbow 6 Vegas on XBOX360

Great game .... graphics slightly dated but thats to be expected. Game play especially in co-op brilliant ..... well worth the Rental

Fantastic. Graphics 9/10. Sound 9/10. Gamplay 9/10. Worth a purchase!

Played the demo and I been lucky enough to get an email advising the game is being sent today. So I get my dirty playing hands on this on release. And from what I seen so far looks really good. Can’t wait to put my face on a character with the Vision camera. I am soooooo Excited. !!!!!!! 98% rating so far but will post again once played full version.

Great game .... graphics slightly dated but thats to be expected. Game play especially in co-op brilliant ..... well worth the Rental

Fantastic. Graphics 9/10. Sound 9/10. Gamplay 9/10. Worth a purchase!

Played the demo and I been lucky enough to get an email advising the game is being sent today. So I get my dirty playing hands on this on release. And from what I seen so far looks really good. Can’t wait to put my face on a character with the Vision camera. I am soooooo Excited. !!!!!!! 98% rating so far but will post again once played full version.