Primal lies in a dark, fantastical realm between the mortal world and the afterlife, where an eternal struggle between order and chaos rages. Abaddon (Chaos) has tired of his personal conflict with Arella (Order) and is breaking the rules. The natural order of Primal has been disrupted and the demons of the dark side are gaining in strength and power and upsetting the natural equilibrium.
Join Jennifer Tate, a modern girl, as she is pulled into the turbulent world of Primal. She must face the demons of an immortal realm and discover her own supernatural origin. A terrifying metamorphosis takes place as Jen begins to unlock her latent demon abilities...
Aiding Jen in her quest to pull the forces of order back from the brink of disaster is Scree, a noble and proud living gargoyle. Players can switch between Jen and Scree throughout the game