WII Genres:
Action / Adventure | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Shooter | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
The Thrill of the Hunt!
Feel the chill in the air and the leaves under your feet as you prepare for the moment. Then suddenly . . . a flurry fills the air!
Pheasants Forever is an arcade-style bird hunting game for up to two players. Objectives range from scoring the most points as quickly as possible to shot accuracy. Primary targets are the Ring-Necked Pheasant, Wild Turkey, California Quail, Mallard, and Ruffed Grouse.
There are three distinct game modes in Pheasants Forever. These game modes define your experience while playing the game.
Feel the chill in the air and the leaves under your feet as you prepare for the moment. Then suddenly . . . a flurry fills the air!
Pheasants Forever is an arcade-style bird hunting game for up to two players. Objectives range from scoring the most points as quickly as possible to shot accuracy. Primary targets are the Ring-Necked Pheasant, Wild Turkey, California Quail, Mallard, and Ruffed Grouse.
There are three distinct game modes in Pheasants Forever. These game modes define your experience while playing the game.