XBOX360 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
Joanna Dark returns in the Xbox 360-exclusive "Perfect Dark Zero," the prequel to the international award-winning and multimillion-selling first-person shooter "Perfect Dark" from famed game developer Rare Ltd. A secret war has begun between shadowy corporations bent on world domination. Joanna Dark and her father, Jack, are caught up in the fight for the planet's future. A routine bounty hunting mission rips open a global conspiracy that will change Joanna's destiny - forever.
Buy Perfect Dark Zero on XBOX360

This game is well out dated looks/plays like its on the old xbox console, I give it 4/10

This game can be very frustrating. With one checkpoint throughout a level, and no real guidance or help to get through the levels, it's very much a game to avoid. I usually find something good in every game but this one, I just could find nothing to recommend sorry. The only good part is the co-op options as at least with two of you it means two heads trying to figure out what your trying to do! Oh and traditional goldenye four player splitscreen deathmatch!

I was not impressed by this game weapons are boring and has very annoying checkpoint system. Avoid

I was disapointed, not much of a storyline and I wasn't really blown away with the gameplay. Multiplayer and graphics are good though.

One player is pretty bland when playing alone Co-op is great, although frustrating at points as you have to do annoying team tasks such as activate a lift for the other player. Live is great fun as ther variety of game modes is pretty wide.

91% because the single player sucks. But play in co-op with a buddy. Why not :) and killcount rocks. Suprised by improvement in gameplay online. GET!

For a first generation 360 game, this hold it's own as a fun, replayable FPS. the offine is long enough and the varying difficulty levels means you won't find the game too easy. Online, the game excels. Massive deathmatches with a whole host of different games styles, and the ability to add in a ton of normal to downright vengeful bots to the mix makes it totally manic - FUN!

This game is well out dated looks/plays like its on the old xbox console, I give it 4/10

This game can be very frustrating. With one checkpoint throughout a level, and no real guidance or help to get through the levels, it's very much a game to avoid. I usually find something good in every game but this one, I just could find nothing to recommend sorry. The only good part is the co-op options as at least with two of you it means two heads trying to figure out what your trying to do! Oh and traditional goldenye four player splitscreen deathmatch!

I was not impressed by this game weapons are boring and has very annoying checkpoint system. Avoid

I was disapointed, not much of a storyline and I wasn't really blown away with the gameplay. Multiplayer and graphics are good though.

One player is pretty bland when playing alone Co-op is great, although frustrating at points as you have to do annoying team tasks such as activate a lift for the other player. Live is great fun as ther variety of game modes is pretty wide.

91% because the single player sucks. But play in co-op with a buddy. Why not :) and killcount rocks. Suprised by improvement in gameplay online. GET!

For a first generation 360 game, this hold it's own as a fun, replayable FPS. the offine is long enough and the varying difficulty levels means you won't find the game too easy. Online, the game excels. Massive deathmatches with a whole host of different games styles, and the ability to add in a ton of normal to downright vengeful bots to the mix makes it totally manic - FUN!