PS4 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Kids / Family | Racing | Shooter | Sport | Flight | Music
Re-Enter the animated world of Ni No Kuni. Explore a beautifully crafted world and experience the gripping story in an all-new RPG adventure. LEVEL-5 reunites with Yoshiyuki Momose on character design and music created by Joe Hisaishi in the production of the next Ni no Kuni tale.
Buy Ni No Kuni II Revenant Kingdom on PS4

Gets abit repetitive but still a good 10 hours + of fun before it gets to that point

Really solid RPG experience!

Great game amazing story and overall was a blast to just take up.

Stunning game! If you liked the 1st you should love this.

Planned to just try this game. Ended up spending over 60 hours on it. Solid JRPG.

Gets abit repetitive but still a good 10 hours + of fun before it gets to that point

Really solid RPG experience!

Great game amazing story and overall was a blast to just take up.

Stunning game! If you liked the 1st you should love this.

Planned to just try this game. Ended up spending over 60 hours on it. Solid JRPG.