XBOX360 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Shooter | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
Welcome to Redview County, where a street-racing rivalry between cops and racers never stops as both sides compete in an all-out war to take over the social, local and national media and earn the best cars, mods and technology. Risk Everything. Trust No One.
Buy Need For Speed Rivals on XBOX360

wicked fun game been waiting ages for a good racing game

Very similar to hot pursuit but enjoyed playing

Great graphics, good gameplay a few minor bugs can take you out of the action but nothing game breaking, slightly repetitive towards endgame but an overall enjoyable game with better customisation than previous iterations in the franchise mainly most wanted (the new one) and the racer/cop machanic which nicely changes up the action and entends the longevity of the game. 8/10

wicked fun game been waiting ages for a good racing game

Very similar to hot pursuit but enjoyed playing

Great graphics, good gameplay a few minor bugs can take you out of the action but nothing game breaking, slightly repetitive towards endgame but an overall enjoyable game with better customisation than previous iterations in the franchise mainly most wanted (the new one) and the racer/cop machanic which nicely changes up the action and entends the longevity of the game. 8/10