PS4 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Kids / Family | Shooter | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Flight | Music
Welcome to Redview County, where a street-racing rivalry between cops and racers never stops as both sides compete in an all-out war featuring the fastest cars, mods and technology in a gritty open road environment. Play as either a cop or racer, where each side of the law has its own set of high stakes challenges, rewards and consequences. Risk everything in the ultimate high stakes rivalry.
Buy Need For Speed Rivals on PS4

Great fun. Arcade racing fun. Play as the police or racer...

definitively good game, i will rent it again very soon!

Decent game. Kind of repetative but the driving mechanics are decent. I give it 3 out of 5 stars

More of the same from Need for Speed. Looks good, good fun for a while but lacks playability.

great game :)

very good game

loved it

i love it :) but they could add more preformance upgrades etc

Pretty average need for speed game, the cops seem very over powered which makes playing as a racer frustrating and quite boring.

Not a bad game good game play and graphics the only problem is this game gets very old very quick too repetitive for me

Great fun. Arcade racing fun. Play as the police or racer...

definitively good game, i will rent it again very soon!

Decent game. Kind of repetative but the driving mechanics are decent. I give it 3 out of 5 stars

More of the same from Need for Speed. Looks good, good fun for a while but lacks playability.

great game :)

very good game

loved it

i love it :) but they could add more preformance upgrades etc

Pretty average need for speed game, the cops seem very over powered which makes playing as a racer frustrating and quite boring.

Not a bad game good game play and graphics the only problem is this game gets very old very quick too repetitive for me