Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes charts a rescue mission as users infiltrate a Cuban prison camp, and sets in motion a series of events that culminate in the stunning plotlines of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The prelude showcases key advances to the series made possible by its use of Kojima Productions' FOX Engine, with a large open environment, and missions where time of day and weather have a dynamic effect on the game and its missions. These elements will play a vital part in the story set up In Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, while familiarising users with the possibilities they offer ahead of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Buy Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes on PS4
Very good game, i enjoyed this alot
Short but definitely worth renting , especially if you are a metal gear fan and wanting to play the upcoming phantom pain.
Brilliant Graphics. A bit disappointed with the game overall.
Not really a game. Good play though
Snake is back, excellent graphics and acting. Still struggled with moving while prone.. Feels quite rigid especially with underground tunnels. Could be me. A good example of what the PS4 is capable of.
Game is awesome, everything is cool. Except that the credit started rolling out while i started loling is that it? After that initial mission, there are other side missions you can take on the same map. Game is worth a rent, definitely.
Although this is a very good game with excellent graphics, it lasts just over an hour and a half so is just a glorified demo
At moments it looks breathtaking, sometimes it looks Last-Gen. A risky move by Kojima to change the way it feels so much. I feels more like the good old Splinter Cell titles (Chaos theory in particular) with the MGS element than a true MGS title. That being said, this is a brilliant game in its own right. As we all know, this is a small taste (and small in length) precursor to what the phantom pain will be. It feels fluid for the most part, neat mechanics throughout and urges me to want the phantom pain. Worth renting for sure, but i would feel disappointed to have bought it.