Kuon is based on an ancient type of Japanese horror story known as Kwaiden. It beckons you to a dark and gruesome mansion in the Japanese town of Kyoto where mutated creatures and unimaginable horrors wait the multiple playable characters. When the story starts, players can choose to play a teenage girl in search of her renowned exorcist father, Doman or as Yang Phase, one of Doman's disciples. After finishing both chapters, the Kuon Phase begins and the real horrific truth can be discovered as players assume the role of a master exorcist...
The Heian (794-1192 A.D.) period of ancient Japan was a time of great mysticism and magic. Kuon's unsettling storyline and haunting moral connotations are achieved through gory visuals and vivid imagery. The tune of Japanese Taiko Drums and the dark hymns of children are heard throughout the night. Residents wander like ghosts, and hungry demons creep in the darkness. Stave off the attacks of grotesque monsters in real-time 3D with Heian-period weaponry and the exorcism art of Onmyojutsu. Learn new spells from cards found throughout the mansion and summon over twelve different creatures. Solve challenging puzzles, mini-games and stand up to a nightmarish world of unimaginable psychological horrors...