XBOX360 Genres:
Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Shooter | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
Iron Man, the most indestructible Super Hero, is blasting onto video game platforms in 2008. This third-person action game will immerse players in explosive militaristic combat from the film with loads of additional content created exclusively for the game.
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It's was underdeveloped, and seemed rushed, not very polished. Kind of like playing GTA III after playing GTA IV.

Haven't seen the film yet so not sure how true the game follows the story. The is really a 3rd person shooter but you also have the ability to fly. The problem is though the controls are clumbsy and awkward and the game play; well it's a bit tiring. More for the younger generations this one

It's was underdeveloped, and seemed rushed, not very polished. Kind of like playing GTA III after playing GTA IV.

Haven't seen the film yet so not sure how true the game follows the story. The is really a 3rd person shooter but you also have the ability to fly. The problem is though the controls are clumbsy and awkward and the game play; well it's a bit tiring. More for the younger generations this one