XBOX360 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
"Gears of War" thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing story of humankind's epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet.
In this third-person tactical shooter, gamers live and breathe the role of Marcus Fenix. A disgraced former war hero, Marcus seeks personal redemption as he leads his fire team against an onslaught of merciless warrior fiends. Gamers immerse themselves in an experience so intensely emotional and gut-wrenching that playing will be like controlling a blockbuster action movie.
Buy Gears of War on XBOX360

Takes a little getting used to - at first, in the heat of battle, it can be difficult to distinguish your squad from the bad guys. It's also important to realise you can't go screaming in guns blazing - you really do have to use cover properly otherwise you get slaughtered. Plus points however - once you realise it isn't Halo, it's great fun. The co-op play is excellent. Getting stuck into someone with the chainsaw is a sight to behold. The graphics and sound are astonishing - definitely benefits from an HDTV and surround sound! Oh, and the camp, trying-too-hard macho dialogue between squad members is hilarious. I don't think it's the effect they were going for, but it's amusing nonetheless.

Awesome ! Probably the best game since Hogs of War

This game is a great concept, greatly executed. The game has been cleverly designed so that the use of cover is necisarry, you cant just run around dodging bullets. This is because of the way your life works, you only die if you sustain alot of damage within a small time, hence why you need bullets to stop coming at you by hiding in cover. The best feature of this game is multiplayer co-operative. It is very well done as (like halo) exactly the same as the single player campaign. Also the chainsaw on your gun is great! Its pretty brutal as you actually slice them in two! =)

is it gonna be better than halo 3? i'll let u decide

Takes a little getting used to - at first, in the heat of battle, it can be difficult to distinguish your squad from the bad guys. It's also important to realise you can't go screaming in guns blazing - you really do have to use cover properly otherwise you get slaughtered. Plus points however - once you realise it isn't Halo, it's great fun. The co-op play is excellent. Getting stuck into someone with the chainsaw is a sight to behold. The graphics and sound are astonishing - definitely benefits from an HDTV and surround sound! Oh, and the camp, trying-too-hard macho dialogue between squad members is hilarious. I don't think it's the effect they were going for, but it's amusing nonetheless.

Awesome ! Probably the best game since Hogs of War

This game is a great concept, greatly executed. The game has been cleverly designed so that the use of cover is necisarry, you cant just run around dodging bullets. This is because of the way your life works, you only die if you sustain alot of damage within a small time, hence why you need bullets to stop coming at you by hiding in cover. The best feature of this game is multiplayer co-operative. It is very well done as (like halo) exactly the same as the single player campaign. Also the chainsaw on your gun is great! Its pretty brutal as you actually slice them in two! =)

is it gonna be better than halo 3? i'll let u decide