XBOX360 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
Buy Gears Of War 3 on XBOX360

This does nothing new, but everything is does is competent; just like the previous 2 Gears games. Worth playing just to see the end of the storyline.

this is such a good game brilliant graphics compared to the second one. improved combat, and on line is awesome i suggest if you`ve played the first two I would recommend you rent/buy (that's what I did) anyway go for it you wont regret it!! :P

This does nothing new, but everything is does is competent; just like the previous 2 Gears games. Worth playing just to see the end of the storyline.

this is such a good game brilliant graphics compared to the second one. improved combat, and on line is awesome i suggest if you`ve played the first two I would recommend you rent/buy (that's what I did) anyway go for it you wont regret it!! :P