XBOX360 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
The award winning franchise (Xbox Best First Person Shooter of the Year 2005 and PC Action Game of the Year of 2004) arrives on the Xbox 360. Far Cry Instincts Predator will include Far Cry Instincts: Evolution, as well as a second full bonus game Far Cry Instincts.
Jack Carver returns home when he is approached by a dangerous and seductive femme fatale. Recruited to assist in the heist of a small Southeast Asian pirate enclave, Jack suddenly finds himself amidst the murder of a local magistrate and fighting feral warriors and pirates to survive.
Buy Far Cry Instincts Predator on XBOX360

An average first person shooter. It has an intreging storyline and with the animal abilities it adds a nice twist to the gameplay. Will keep you busy for a few days but the game doesn't have any lasting ability

I found it quite hard to get into and must admit that I did not play it for as long as I should have, probably becasue I got bored during the first 25 minuets of tutorial... I prefer to be given a gun and get the chance to blow stuff up as soon as possible, Quake 4 is more for me and I preferd Perfect Dark to Far Cry. Still, my friends that did stick with it say its great, and the graphics are really good... worth a look if you fancy an FPS which is a bit different from CoD2 or Perfect Dark.

this is a fantastic game animal with weapons although driving the numerous vericles and shooting at same time can be tricky two diffrent story modes to play makes it more enjoyable a must rent let u animal instincts take over dave bexhill

An average first person shooter. It has an intreging storyline and with the animal abilities it adds a nice twist to the gameplay. Will keep you busy for a few days but the game doesn't have any lasting ability

I found it quite hard to get into and must admit that I did not play it for as long as I should have, probably becasue I got bored during the first 25 minuets of tutorial... I prefer to be given a gun and get the chance to blow stuff up as soon as possible, Quake 4 is more for me and I preferd Perfect Dark to Far Cry. Still, my friends that did stick with it say its great, and the graphics are really good... worth a look if you fancy an FPS which is a bit different from CoD2 or Perfect Dark.

this is a fantastic game animal with weapons although driving the numerous vericles and shooting at same time can be tricky two diffrent story modes to play makes it more enjoyable a must rent let u animal instincts take over dave bexhill