In Enslaved you take on the role of Monkey a strong, brutish loner who has been captured on a mysterious slave ship 150 years into the future. War and destruction have left the world in ruins and you are one of only a few humans left. On the slave ship you encounter Trip - a beautiful, tech-savvy young woman who is also at the mercy of her captors.
Trip is anxious to escape so she can make her way back home, but she knows she can't do it alone. She has the brains, but not the brawn - you, as Monkey are her ticket to freedom. You soon become Enslaved by Trip - bonded together by a slave headband. If you stray, you will be paralyzed by excruciating pain. If your stay, your fate is in her hands. In both cases, your freedom is no longer your own...
Buy Enslaved Odyssey To The West on PS3

Interesting game. Really good story. Graphics arn't bad if a bit bright. Control and camera can be a bit wayward at times otherwise enjoyable.

Enslaved is a good game. The characters are interesting and you get into their story. The gameplay is good, but not too varied. It's a relatively easy platinum trophy and not likely to hold your attention much past completion. Worth a play, but perhaps not a buy.

An interesting adventure platformer with some great funny moments beautiful landscapes and the craziest ending I've seen in a video game for a long while.

Looks beautifull, & sounds great fantastic voice acting with some very funny dialogue. The only thig wrong with the game is its size, 12 hours on normal difficulty without rushing just doesnt cut it. Well worth a rental.

very very good game

Would recommend to anyone looking for a story driven game with plenty of action along the way.


really enjoyed this game repetitive but great story line and graphics