Get ready to hurl yourself shield-first into the fray - create your own superhuman feats with the superior force of the world's first Super-Soldier at your fingertips.
Play as Captain America: Battle enemies bent on world domination in a unique World War II setting, using your Super-Soldier abilities to infiltrate a castle overrun by the forces of Hydra and destroy the forces of evil
Wield Cap's Legendary Shield: Your shield delivers a variety of punishing missile attacks, as well as tough defense. Take out groups of enemies, block attacks, destroy objects, interact with surroundings, and reflect fire back at foes
Devastating Open Combat: Move freely through the castle battlefield with acrobatic precision as you take down multiple enemies with punches, kicks, shield throws, and powerful combos. Take control of a turret or grab a soldier from behind and use his weapons against him
Platforming with Purpose: Use Cap's impressive athletic abilities to overcome environmental challenges by scaling walls, climbing, and performing spectacular leaps and vaults. Master timing-based controls to execute advanced moves and discover multiple mission paths
Stirring Original Storyline: Play a compelling original story by renowned Marvel scribe Christos Gage set in the movie universe but created specifically to bring extra depth to gameplay. Interactive and scripted cinematic moments immerse you in film-like action sequences
Buy Captain America Super Soldier on PS3

Game was very dull and boring , yet I couldnt put it down until it was complete ( 4 hrs ) The action is very repetitive , the boss fights are probably the easiest fights in the whole game . Collecting the collectibles was rather silly as they were in plain sight and not hidden away . Dialogue was very stale , graphics was bad for its time too .

Really good game and worth the while :)

great game would recommend to others.