Borderlands combines the best in first-person action with player customization and vehicular combat for incredible layers of gameplay depth. The game features a groundbreaking content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in weapons, item drops and character customization. Borderlands allows for multiple players to share the same game experience simultaneously online in co-op gameplay. Players can freely join or leave each other's games at anytime, or choose to play in the full single-player mode. These features, along with a rich and deep fiction that touches upon the mysteries buried beneath the surface of a danger-filled planet, combine to form a breakthrough experience that challenges the conventions of modern shooters.
Buy Borderlands on XBOX360

Incredible game couldnt say much i would change about it. Even better multiplayer with friends. Look forward to playing DLC in the future!

AMAZING, that's all that really needs to be said, for the sake of the review I'll say more, the graphics is actually really nice, I thought it would look a little silly, works really well, great gun play, i love the 17 different million guns in this game, RENT IT! OR BUY IT!

a really good fun rpg! enjoyed every part of this game from the start to the finish, I defiantly say ‘Get This Game’

Really enjoyable and brings back good memories of Diablo 2 but in a different setting and being a shooter. I played it through once in single player and once online (still a huge online community apparently, I never had problems picking up games around about where I was in the storyline) and although single player was fun, it's so much better multiplayer even if some class mods/skills scale badly (ones that activate upon you killing an enemy - would probably work better if it included your team mates kills as well but then that could be a problem for any sirens using phoenix and hanging out near barrels). The game was pretty short but they already have two lots of DLC out and the third looks to be the best so far so that should easily increase the length of the game. Now just to hope for a GOTYE with all the DLC included and I'll probably throw down the money to buy it.

Borderlands is a really fun game to play. The story is fantastic but it gets better when you play it online with 3 other friends. I would recommend this to everyone.

One of the best games I have played. Online co-op is brilliant and the story is awesome.

Its pretty cool, you can play online with random people and work together to complete tasks. Its like World of Warcraft but a FPS (first person shooter). Fun at times and working together makes it more enjoyable. On the downside you spend so much time trying to work out what guns to use, buy and sell, that the action is broken up. Also the characters skills arent exciting enough to make you care that much about leveling up. The missions can be completed by simply following your map at times which can be good but also means you might not get immersed in any kind of story. Overall its a nice idea and I'm glad I played it, but I wouldnt want to buy it.

Really great game 10/10 Really fun to play with 4 players online. The 1000 GS isnt that hard to get.