A spin-off from the main narrative, Bleach: The 3rd Phantom's exclusive storyline has been created from the ground up under the supervision of Tite Kubo, the author and creator of Bleach. Shedding light on events that transpired before the anime, the story centres around the Soul Reaper twins, Fujimaru Kudo and his sister Matsuri Kudo. As they progress through the story, fans will encounter the familiar faces of Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki, alongside never before seen characters developed specifically for the title.
Bleach: The 3rd Phantom employs a traditional strategy-RPG gameplay format with an added bonus of anime styled combat during in-game battles. Gamers will enjoy the best of both worlds as the graphics in the field map feature outrageous renditions of Bleach characters in a 3D isometric environment, while in-game battles are rendered with beautiful 2D graphics taken from the animated series. Once gamers complete the Story Mode, a bounty of unlockable content awaits them. The multiplayer feature will allow up to two players to battle head-to-head via Wireless Mode!
Buy Bleach The 3rd Phantom on Nintendo DS
If you are a big Bleach and Turn based Strategy fan then you will love this game. Features all squad captains, most if not all lieutenants and humans as well as the ability to Bonkai. Fight against the hollows and arrancars and build your own team as you progress. Even when story mode is complete there is a tower mode where any playable char can be chosen as part as of a team in order to level them up, get new skills and become stronger. ...so yer i recommended it if your a fan. (the story doesn't really spoil the anime either if you watching it alongside this game)