XBOX360 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Music
Buy Battlefield 3 on XBOX360

Single play is ok, get online fantastic I play this all the time, flying Helis/Jets/Tanks or anything love this game...A+

AMAZING visuals AVERAGE gameplay

Amazing, It really is above and beyond..

Brilliant game play. Graphics good, online a bit clitchy but I'm sure future updates will improve this Overall 9 out of 10

Single play is ok, get online fantastic I play this all the time, flying Helis/Jets/Tanks or anything love this game...A+

AMAZING visuals AVERAGE gameplay

Amazing, It really is above and beyond..

Brilliant game play. Graphics good, online a bit clitchy but I'm sure future updates will improve this Overall 9 out of 10