PS3 Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Kids / Family | Racing | Sport | Rpg / Strategy | Flight | Music
Buy Battlefield 3 on PS3

Great game but once again have to pay for the online pass which devalues the rental service somewhat.

Only played the single player. Very impressed with the graphics. Lovelylighting effects, dust and atmospherics. Story not bad either. Prefer it to COD. Has a very imperssive feel to it. Will buy later and try multiplayer.

Great game but once again have to pay for the online pass which devalues the rental service somewhat.

Only played the single player. Very impressed with the graphics. Lovelylighting effects, dust and atmospherics. Story not bad either. Prefer it to COD. Has a very imperssive feel to it. Will buy later and try multiplayer.