PSVITA Genres:
Action / Adventure | Arcade / Puzzles | Fighting | Flight | Kids / Family | Racing | Shooter | Sports | Rpg | Music
*** Please Note PlayStation Vita titles are not compatible with standard Sony PSP consoles ***
In Army Corps Of Hell players control an army of a hundred goblin soldiers with various classes and abilities to defeat a host of enemies in order to reclaim the King of Hell's throne. Players can take full advantage of the PlayStation Vita system's unique control features to experience war like never before!
Defeated in battle, the King of Hell is stripped of his powers and banished from his throne. Burned to a meager corpse, the dethroned king uses the last of his strength to take command of a corps of weak-minded goblins. He commands this ragtag army of bloodthirsty goblins as he fights through hell to reclaim his throne, destroying his enemies and looting their corpses for equipment along the way.
Defeated in battle, the King of Hell is stripped of his powers and banished from his throne. Burned to a meager corpse, the dethroned king uses the last of his strength to take command of a corps of weak-minded goblins. He commands this ragtag army of bloodthirsty goblins as he fights through hell to reclaim his throne, destroying his enemies and looting their corpses for equipment along the way.