Genre: Action / Adventure
X-Blades invites players into a fantastic universe where the enchanting heroine Ayumi fends off innumerable monsters and imposing bosses with her power, spells, fighting tactics and her deadly Pistol Blades! The anime-style level and character designs are what give X-Blades its special flair. Nearly 40 indoor and outdoor worlds dazzle players in an enthralling rhapsody of colour and detail. Non-stop action and vivid magical effects are impressively incorporated in gameplay through the use of cinema stylising such as bullet time or motion blurring. X-Blades will prove to be a hack 'n' slash spectacle for fans of entertaining action games and anime!
Leave a reviewThis game might be the quickest sendback in history for me. Found the controls clunky, the animation poor and the game play repetitive beyond any game I've played before. Avoid at all costs.