Genre: Shooter
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a standalone prequel to the critically acclaimed first-person action-adventure shooter, Wolfensteim: The New Order. The adventure, which spans eight chapters and two interconnected stories, features the hallmarks of MachineGames - thrilling action, immersive story and intense first-person combat. As war hero B.J. Blazkowicz, arm yourself with new weapons such as the bolt-action rifle and grenade-launching Kampfpistole as you attempt to thwart the advancing Nazi war machine, and take advantage of duel-wielding pipes that can be used for wall climbing - or for vicious take-downs of never-before-seen Nazi adversaries.
Leave a reviewJust a straight up mad shooter, simple crisp game play with excellent graphics and best of all a quick load screen!
Great game!
Great game, a little short, but it is not a full title, so I understood that would be the case. Really enjoyable.