Genre: Shooter
WarTech: Senko no Ronde thrusts the player into a distant future where humanity has colonized countless new galaxies and Earth has become a planet mined for its natural resources. A violent war has erupted as nations struggle for world domination. Rounder Mechs fill the skies as the fate of the world is determined through aerial combat.
Leave a reviewGot the game today and am disappointed. this is the first time Ive played this and it seems to be a simple button masher, with no upgrades for player advancement, was bored within the first five minutes.
this game i found interesting i didnt get much of the story as im not that good at reading the subtitles this game is a beat um up style game like i said i didnt get it that much but if you like beat um ups and are good ar reading subtitles this game could be for you i liked …
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