Rent Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria for PS2 - Online Video Game Rentals
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Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria for PS2 to rent Rent Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria on PS2

Released: 14 Sep 2007


Our story begins hundreds of years before the legendary adventures of Lenneth, The Battle Maiden.Silmeria Valkyrie is charged by Odin, Lord of the Gods, to gather the souls of the fallen. Silmeria serves her master faithfukky until a certain incident causes her to doubt, and ultimately rebel against, the law of Odin.Odin immediately recognizes the danger. He transmigrates Silmeria's soul and summons the next Battle Maiden in her place. But the Sovereign's Rite, the divine spell used to transfer Silmeria's soul, is not complete.Silmeria awakens within the body of a young princess of Dipan. The princess's name is Alicia.Normally, valkyrie souls do now awaken when trapped within the body of a mortal. Lord Odin will not suffer one who defies his will to remain alive and conscious.ONe day, Odin will discover that the traitorous valkyrie lives. One day, he will bring divine retribution down upon her.


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