Genre: Action / Adventure
A 400-year-old clue in the coffin of Sir Francis Drake sets a modern-day fortune hunter on an exploration for the fabled treasure of El Dorado, leading to the discovery of a forgotten island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The search turns deadly when Nathan Drake becomes stranded on the island and hunted by mercenaries. Outnumbered and outgunned, Drake and his companions must fight to survive as they begin to unravel the terrible secrets hidden on the Island.
Leave a reviewAfter all these years still a great game to play A+
One of the best games on the PS3, it's extremely cinematic and has great graphics that really immerse you in the game. The water effects need to be seen to be believed. It's true this game has some minor control issues but it doesn't detract too much from the overall …
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This is probably the best title on the PS3, everything about this game oozes atmosphere, play in a darkened room with HD and surround sound, and you feel like your a part of the game, very flowing and superb graphics, kept me comingback for more and i just wanna keep playing it.