Rent Tropico 5 for XBOX360 - Online Video Game Rentals
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Tropico 5 for XBOX360 to rent Rent Tropico 5 on XBOX360

Released: 07 Nov 2014

Genre: Action / Adventure

You, as El Presidente, will first take control of the infamous island of Tropico during early colonial times and then guide it through the centuries as the world changes and moves ever forward. You must tackle the changing needs of your people, as well as opposing governments and factions, and thus lay the foundations for your own dynasty. As you move through your years in office you can promote members of your extended family on the island to positions of power: such as ambassador, commanding general or even Supreme Ruler, to ensure your legacy thrives through the eras. As well as a wealth of other new features, including advanced trading mechanics, technology, scientific research trees and island exploration, Tropico 5 will add cooperative and competitive multiplayer for up to four players for the first time in the series' history! Viva El Presidente!


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Very Good Game, Best Tropico Game so Far & best city Build/Economy Game on Xbox

Tropico 5 for XBOX360 to RentTropico 5 for XBOX360 to RentTropico 5 for XBOX360 to Rent


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