Genre: Action / Adventure
TMNT3 for the Nintendo DS utilizes the features of the handheld system for an exciting and unique Turtles experience. A side scrolling melee action game with more than 50 exciting stages, it features the Turtles battling a nightmarish enemy in an effort to save the world from destruction. The emphasis of the game is strategic teamwork. Through each level, players will not only need to defeat enemies, but they will also have to explore and solve challenging puzzles. Playing alone or with friends, gamers will use the touch pad to get help from other Turtles to utilize their unique abilities to overcome obstacles and traps. Additionally, gamers can team up with friends via the Nintendo DS' wireless multiplayer functionality. Along the way, the DS' touch panel will come into play to help gamers solve different puzzles and, during fighting phases of levels, the Turtles will play out epic battles that take place.