Genre: Action / Adventure

In Spider-Man: Edge Of Time, Spider-Man faces one of his greatest challenges ever - saving Spider-Man. Developed by Activision-owned studio Beenox, Spider-Man: Edge Of Time challenges the player to take on the roles of both classic Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 to correct a time stream gone awry and prevent a catastrophic future brought on by the early and untimely death of Peter Parker.Spider-Man: Edge Of Time is a focused, action-packed adventure set in two connected and evolving timelines, from the contemporary times of the Amazing Spider-Man to the corrupted future world of Spider-Man 2099, against the backdrop of a rich, tightly crafted narrative by acclaimed Marvel veteran Peter David (co-creator of the comic book series Spider-Man 2099). The game features all-new "cause-and-effect" gameplay, where players will see how the immediate and sometimes unexpected effects of their actions as one Spider-Man changes the timeline of the other Spider-Man.
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This game starts off good, but after about two hours, it gets extremely repetative, and you realize that all you'll be doing is moving through various rooms fighting hordes of the same enemies over and over. good for a rent perhaps, wouldnt reccommend a buy

Great game! :)