Genre: Kids / Family
The #1 animated franchise of all time is back with Shrek Forever After the Game! Players will take on the role of Shrek, Fiona, Donkey or Puss In Boots to out-smart, out-fight and out-play the devious Rumpelstiltskin and his army of bad guys. Gamers will team up by using their characters' unique skills and special abilities to progress through the game's fun and challenging puzzles. Throughout the adventure, gamers can use the Magic Mirror to travel between Shrek's normal world and his alternate reality for double the fun. Each world features secret areas that can be unlocked as players gain new moves and abilities keeping them coming back for more. The action reaches all new heights in the final showdown where the team goes head-to-head with Rumpelstiltskin to help Shrek save his friends and restore his world.