Genre: Sports
Shaun White Skateboarding, a game that puts an innovative twist on the action-sports genre, is the latest offering in the award-winning franchise developed in collaboration with dual-sport super-athlete, Shaun White. The most ambitious instalment yet, Shaun White Skateboarding brings all the sensations of skateboarding to a wide audience making skate dreams possible and allowing players to transform a dull, lifeless city into their own extraordinary skating utopia.As players skate, they add colour, life and brilliance to the city by extending handrails into endless grinds, carving alleys into half pipes, morphing streets into ramps and much more. Players can skate their way, any way they want, to create their own customized skating world that can also be shared with friends. Shaun White Skateboarding empowers skaters to push the limits of what's possible.