Rent Shadow of the Colossus for PS2 - Online Video Game Rentals
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Shadow of the Colossus for PS2 to rent Rent Shadow of the Colossus on PS2

Released: 17 Feb 2006


As a lone horseback traveller, your destiny is entwined with that of a lifeless young girl who lies on an altar within a vast temple. The girl is helpless, her soul has been lost and there is only one way to retrieve it...   Following a voice from the heavens, you embark on a dark and dangerous quest to seek out and slay the enormous wandering monsters that roam this strange world. Only you can defeat these formidable Colossi, and in doing so, only you can bring life to the girl who lies waiting on the altar.   Each beast is immense in size and strength, the team's new and unique motion control system giving an incredible depth of motion density. The 'Organic Collision Deformation' system enables the player to grasp and climb the Colossi with precision, stealth is also essential in navigating these ever changing, moving and dangerous terrains. You must climb these terrifying beasts and strike the deathblow that will bring them crashing to the ground. However, slaying such fearsome opponents is no easy task - before these enemies can be toppled, you must first discover how to defeat them. And the challenge does not end there; after you have slain one monster you must begin the demanding task of finding the next...   The monsters in Shadow of the Colossus present the game player with one epic terrain but another is the world they inhabit. With only your trusty horse, Agro, for company, you must explore lonely plains, mountains, lush countrysides, sinister lakes, great caves and ancient ruins. Each Colossi is unique, organically reflecting the environment in which they reside. Each one you track down takes you one step closer to discovering your destiny and the fate of the girl who remains motionless and oblivious throughout.   An intense journey of exploration, puzzle solving and eerie battle, Shadow of the Colossus also includes the distinct, highly-acclaimed graphic style that came to prominence in ICO.


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