Genre: Action / Adventure
Leon S. Kennedy, formerly Raccoon City Police Department's idealistic rookie cop, is now a U.S. agent with a top-secret mission to rescue the President's daughter, who has been kidnapped by a mysterious organisation. Leon must begin his investigation with a trip to an undisclosed Spanish-speaking village in Europe, where he encounters a horde of unruly villagers who pledge their lives to Los Illuminados, the cult that perpetrated Ashley's kidnapping. As Leon encounters unimaginable horrors, he must find out who - or what - is behind everything.With the gameplay attuned to the immersive Wii controls, plus thrilling new chapters that were not included with the GameCube release, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition truly offers horror a new home...
Leave a reviewGood game, good story. Controls could be better if B was used as a trigger and you cant strafe
a briilent story fun and long makes this a qualtiy remake