Genre: Action / Adventure
You are Alex Mercer, a shapeshifter with absolute mastery over your genetic structure, stalking the streets of New York City, searching for your past.A secret war is brewing in New York. First, battle below the media radar, then, watch as the virus spirals out of control and the government seizes the media to stop the spread of information.Face an ever-growing army of infected creatures warped and changed by the virus. As it spreads, more and more of New York falls under its control. The virus overwrites a creature's existing genetics; warping and changing their form into something else, something planned. As the virus gathers its army, rush to discover the secret behind it all; the one thing that can stop it all before the city falls into ruin...
Leave a reviewStarts off fun, ends tediously. For a game that gives you super powers it doesn't make you feel very "super", in later levels you're constantly being thrown about by missile fire and attacks by large enemies which makes it a scramble for survival. Your objectives become much …
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great game would recommend people to rent or buy this game
very fun game and great service and a good support