Genre: Kids / Family
Following the vast popularity of Pok�mon Diamond and Pok�mon Pearl, Pok�mon Platinum is the newest in the core series of Pok�mon games. Pok�mon Platinum features a new story full of adventure, never-before-seen forms of powerful Pok�mon � including the legendary Giratina's Origin Forme � and the Distortion World, a mysterious new world that suddenly appears in the Sinnoh region. In addition, with Pok�mon Platinum up to 20 players can interact with other Pok�mon fans from around the world in the new Wi-Fi Plaza, featuring mini-games and activities. Players can also enjoy the new features in the Global Terminal, such as posting battle videos using the new "Vs. Recorder." In addition, Pok�mon Platinum features a new Battle Frontier, where the toughest Trainers can test their skills in new ways. Pok�mon Platinum already has broken previous Nintendo DS sales records in Japan, selling more than 1 million copies in its first two days of release.