Genre: Action / Adventure
In One Piece: Unlimited Cruise, the motley crew of Straw Hat Pirates find themselves aboard the Thousand Sunny ship, the ship of 1,000 seas, as they set sail to a variety of mysterious islands and begin their fantastic adventures. The game is split into two episodes to accommodate the huge storyline which will keep the player engrossed throughout.With the innovative Wii Remote and Nunchuck controllers, players will pull, turn and swing to fight nefarious villains using each character�s own unique set of moves including Luffy�s �Gum Gum Storm� and Nami�s �Cyclone Tempo�. Players will be able to choose from among more than 12 of their favourite characters to play as, with more than 30 boss characters from the original anime series to do battle with. The games will also feature an exclusive character created by One Piece author, Eiichiro Oda, a character who will be key to the original storyline.The One Piece: Unlimited Cruise series is the perfect blend of action and charm that will engage newcomers and fans of the series alike.