Rent Nier Automata for PS4 - Online Video Game Rentals
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Nier Automata for PS4 to rent Rent Nier Automata on PS4

Released: 10 Mar 2017

Genre: Action / Adventure

NieR: Automata is a brand new dream project by Square Enix in collaborations with world renowned developer PlatinumGames and many progressive creators including those from the original NIER game, such as YOKO TARO. An extra-terrestrial invasion has left mankind exiled on the moon. Androids are sent to the deserted ruins of our home planet in order to remove the menacing Mechanoids. The YoRHa 2B, the latest infantry model android, is tasked with the perilous mission to rid of the invaders from the surface of Earth. Where will the on-going proxy war between Androids and Mechanoids lead to?


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Amazing game. Loved every second of it

The lack of art dressing around the world really put me off. Story seemed cool though. Very jrpg with devil may cry combat but the addition of the combat drones adds extra levels of difficulty. Shame the art was not up to standard.

This hidden little gem is a masterpiece.

Nier Automata for PS4 to RentNier Automata for PS4 to RentNier Automata for PS4 to Rent


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