Genre: Action / Adventure
Based on the award-winning television series, Lost: The Video Game will allow players to experience an untold adventure of "Lost" in an immersive, interactive world.As a passenger of Oceanic flight 815, you survived the crash and find yourself on an uncharted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. As you begin to unravel mysteries of the island, you begin to discover secrets of your own. You will have to understand your past mistakes in order to survive and find your way home...
Leave a reviewi have never seen the tv series but thought the game, story line and, graphics was really good great game to rent but would not buy since it is a really short game and some of the puzzles are hard to understand.
Really short. Finished in about 6 hours. Not that great - would only recommend if you watch the show.
Really dissapointed with this game as I was really looking forward to it as a big fan of the show. The cut scenes are awesome but gameplay is boring with a capital B. The puzzles take up most of your time & are a serious cop-out for what could have been an excellent game. I mean,…
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