Genre: Shooter
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a dark and gritty tale of two men bound by circumstance as they wait on death row for their final sentence. One is a flawed mercenary, the other a medicated psychopath. The two are forced to embark on a violent and chaotic journey, hating each other every step of the way. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a story-driven, fully co-operative third-person action shooter title, with intuitive crew mechanics, heavily populated destructible real-world scenarios, a volatile partnership and brutal attitude.
Leave a reviewi found this game a real pleaser from the usally shooter took some mastering in places but like everything you just got keep at it good storyline and action
Over rated, just plain bad, had amazing potential but looks rushed and un-tested, graphics are dodgy and theres a lot of glitches, i wouldnt bother unless you got nothing else planned.