Genre: Kids / Family
A thrilling adventure based on the novel by H.P Lovecraft!Antarctica, 1931; an expedition team are found dead at the foot of the merciless mountains in Antarctica, except for one lone student who is missing from the team. The mountains, long rumoured to be haunted, hold many dark secrets within their frozen walls and very few people leave the mountains icy grasp without going insane.Trek through the mysterious mountains with researcher Lynn morgan and Professor Willima Dryer, as they go in search for the missing student, Locate clues, unravel secrets frozen in time and a discover a 1000 year-old ice city long deserted. Now, it is up to you to find out why this city exists, how did it get there and what is it that haunts the mountains?May terrors lurk in the icy cracks of the mountains - can yo resist their spell?