Genre: Action / Adventure
Celebrating the Bond franchise's 50th anniversary, the latest instalment in the video game series - James Bond: 007 Legends - launches gamers back through time to relive a selection of James Bond's most iconic and intense undercover missions from the popular films. A first-of-its-kind Bond video game, James Bond: 007 Legends features an original, overarching storyline inspired by six classic Bond movies, including this year's highly-anticipated 23rd installment - Skyfall, to offer the most diverse Bond gaming experience yet! Delivering the action that gamers expect from a Bond game, James Bond: 007 Legends equips players with state-of-the-art spy gadgets, an arsenal of weapons, and sleek vehicles as they jet off to exotic locations and utilize Bond's unmatched combat abilities, quick wits, class and style to take down notorious villains and their brutal henchmen, perform impressive stunts, and of course...gorgeous Bond women.
Leave a reviewGreat game, shame i forgot to play the skyfall download :(
Good game, easy to play and interesting challanges
This is a really easy game with no real challenge or puzzles. You can complete this game in a couple of hours with no problem. Very average graphics with okay dialog,. Rating: 4.5 / 10