Genre: Action / Adventure
Megalon: Although Megalon is a native of the Earth, he has no special love for human beings. He has once again aligned himself with the alien invaders, in hopes of eliminating the human population once and for all. Megalon is a very well-rounded combatant, with decent melee, grappling, and ranged capabilities. He has a special affinity for electricity, allowing him to emply lighning and EMP attacks without danger to himself. Megalon's hands are high-speed drills, which allow him to burrow underground or simply gore his opponents in hand-to-hand combat.Kiryu: Kiryu is an anti-monster cyborg generated by the Golbal Defence Force to protect human cities from monster threats. Kiryu is genetically identical to Godzilla, but jas been augmented with armour plating, enhanced reflexes, and limited flight capabilities. These enhancements have eliminated his natural ability to create atomic fire, so he has been outfitted with homing rocketsm an electrical cannon, and the fearsome Absolute Zero cannon - which can immobilize any monster in a single hit. Kiryu is the GDF's most successful defender yet, and is their first and best option for defending humanity.